The Habitat Congress calls for the habitat sector to face future business strategies
The Spanish AIDIMME association has organized the first congress with the collaboration of the principal associations of the bathroom sector
AIDIMME, the Spanish acronym for the Technologic Institute for Metal-mechanical, Furniture, Wood, Packaging and related industries, have organized its first ever Habitat Conference. The event will be celebrated on the forthcoming October 19th, in the Events Hall of the Feria Valencia Fairgrounds at the Spanish Mediterranean coast. The initiative counts with the collaboration of an initial group of official federations that represent practically all companies active in the industry. Amongst the participating associations, we can find the leading associations for bathroom equipment Arvet and Aseban.
“Congreso Habitat” in Spanish, is a firm proposal for market analysis by taking advantage of information feeds and exchange of business experiences, to achieve an improved performance within the massive economical sector that are represented by habitat related industries. This new and innovative approach is aimed to be applied within each company, independently of its size or business development. This implicates- according to the organization, providing all necessary tools to the companies, to facilitate a strategical innovation towards newly designed business models, continuously adapted to market demands, that at the same time, will generate new opportunities.
A symposium with a fresh formula, featuring prominent guest speakers, seminar presentations and debates, involving and identifying almost the complete representation of the sector, and its distribution channels, linked to the Habitat business world. All in one single event. The vast majority of involved parties such as suppliers, manufacturers, distributors and service providers, but also domestic appliances, public procurement, the contract channel and online platforms, all of them interact within the value chain, like architects, interior designers and designers as well. The first speaker will be Raúl Royo, CEO of the Spanish company Royo Group, specialized in the bathroom furniture manufacturing. More information and inscription forms for the event can be found at the following link