
The biennal International Design Contest jumpthegap® promoted by Roca, awards the most innovative and sustainable solutions for the bathroom space of the future

Brazilian architect Ruy Ohtake, President of the Jury, offers jumpthegap® (talk) meetings about the relation between architecture and design in his projects

The eight edition of the Roca International Design Contest jumpthegap® with the collaboration of BCD Barcelona Design Center has held its award ceremony at the Barcelona Disseny Hub. The competition aims at supporting young architects and designers, jumpthegap® is open for registration to students and professional designers and architects from all design disciplines under 40 years, and is divided in two head categories: Professional Category and Student Category. Since 2015, the We Are Water Foundation also grants an additional special Sustainability Award to the project that best encompasses its philosophy.

The Design Contest, aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals promoted by the United Nations, to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all, stimulates the future generations of designers and architects to focus and seek ideas on the many possibilities to reduce the environmental impact, one of the major social challenges of the XXI century. In this way, Roca is a pioneering innovative brand in the development of sustainable concepts and design solutions, specifically related to all aspects of water and energy consumption, that contribute to promote a more sustainable management of water resources around the world.