
Cosentino and Pino Cocinas & Baños launch a design contest for the best adapted kitchen design

Under the headline "beautiful and functional kitchens, specially designed for disabled".

The companies Cosentino and Pino Cocinas & Baños have joined forces to launch the unique design contest "beautiful and functional kitchens, specially designed for disabled". The design challenge clearly aims to draw the attention, within the field of kitchen design, on the specific needs and exigencies, put forward by disabled people, and to satisfy their customer expectations and demands. Cosentino and Pino Cocinas & Baños are looking for those projects, realized between the 1st of January of 2015 and the 10th of February of 2017, that signify a real case study on this topic and demonstrate how the complete family of elements that make up a kitchen (furniture, countertops, appliances...) can meet and exceed, with the specific needs of people with physical or intellectual dysfunctions.

The contest is conducted towards design professionals, architects and decorators. The project design concepts are not limited in terms of form and dimensions, but have to unify ergonomics and style, and must be both technical and aesthetically viable. The term of delivery for applications starts on January 10th and closes on the 10th of February of 2017. The brief and rules of the design contest can be reviewed and downloaded from the Cosentino blog http://spain.cosentinonews.com or at the website of Pino Cocinas & Baños: http://www.laspino.com