
Arvet focuses on internationalisation in Central America

The Association of exporters of processed goods (ARVET in its Spanish acronym) has recently launched the SICOMEX project for a careful selection of countries located in Central America.

The First Market Observatory for the Bathroom and Kitchen sector

The initiative for the First Market Observatory for the bathroom and kitchen sector, is ideated by ARVET (the Spanish acronym for The Association of Exporters of processed products) in collaboration with the associations ASEBAN/FEBAN and ARVEFER, and in partnership with AIDIMME; the Technological Metal-Mechanic Institute, Furniture, Wood, Packaging and Associated Products.

BIM 2017 Seminar in Valencia 

The IVACE Institute of Valencia is providing the venue for a BIM workshop, that is scheduled for the forthcoming 19th of January 2017, orientated to manufacturers of the brassware and bathroom equipment sector, and to interrelated managerial positions engaged in project management, planning, cost control, production, operation and maintenance.