
Amec 2021 Forum

Looking into the future is the proposal of the Amec Forum: performing industrial research to anticipate what is yet to come. In this edition, the focus will be on studying and analyzing the optimal business size.

According to Andimac, Spaniards qualify the living standard of their housing with a score of 6,8

According to the survey Quiero Vivir Mejor (Spanish for I want better living standards), prepared by the National Association of Ceramic Tile and Building Material Distributors of Spain (Andimac), Spaniards qualify the standard of their housing with a 6,8 score.

11 associations of the building materials and associated industries join forces to demand the opening of stores selling ceramic tiles and building materials

The major employers´ organizations in Spain of the sector of ceramic tiles, building materials and supplies have joined forces to make a joint statement on their concerns about the measure that precludes the opening of stores and retailers, related to the commercialization of the materials of the sector they represent.

The fierce competition of the department stores, focus of the VII edition of the Andimac Congress

Andimac will focus during its forthcoming annual congress, to be celebrated on the 23rd and 24th of October at the Feria Valencia venue, at the growing challenges that faces the specialist distributor store against the increasing competition of the large department stores and digital multi-national companies.

The We Are Water Foundation, set up by Roca in 2010, supports the United Nations campaign to guarantee the human right of access to drinking water for all

Water is an essential natural resource to cover basic needs, but sadly it is not available to everyone. Approximately, 2,1 billion people still have no direct access to drinking water. The United Nations proposes to analyze the causes and reminds that clean water, accessible to everyone, is a fundamental right.

Spanish Ascer Association forecasts a total sales growth of 6,5% by the closure of 2017

The annual balance sheet of Ascer, the Spanish Ceramic Tile association confirms the moderate growth expectation of the Spanish tile industry, by the time of closing of the fiscal year 2017. It will be the fifth consecutive year, celebrated with a positive data output, after some severe crisis years the sector went through after the construction bubble in Spain exploded.

Announcement of the "German agents Meeting"

With the aim of boosting an always interesting and attractive German market and in particular to allow a growing number of associated companies to access to this market, or in case they are already present, expand their existing agent network, ARVET, the Spanish acronym for the Association of Exporters of Manufactured Goods, proposes to companies in the hardware and bathroom equipment sectors, the call for a meeting of agents in Germany for 2018.

The Habitat Congress calls for the habitat sector to face future business strategies

AIDIMME, the Spanish acronym for the Technologic Institute for Metal-mechanical, Furniture, Wood, Packaging and related industries, have organized its first ever Habitat Conference. The event will be celebrated on the forthcoming October 19th, in the Events Hall of the Feria Valencia Fairgrounds at the Spanish Mediterranean coast. 

Household spending in home improvement grew by 5% last year

Andimac, acronym for the Spanish National Association of wholesalers of ceramics and building materials, has published the full details of the report commissioned by the Observatory 360º of Housing and Renovation for home improvement and issued by Arthursen. 

Andimac organizes the IX Commercial Innovation Forum

Under the lively slogan "the market is waking up, don't stay asleep", Andimac organizes its ninth edition of the Forum for Commercial Innovation. This year’s edition will be held on the forthcoming 9th of June in the Spanish capital city Madrid.